Friday, January 21, 2011

In the News: Lady Gaga Preview, New Lennon Book

The first single off Lady Gaga's third effort, Born This Way, won't be released until February 13, but the creative pop sensation has offered fans a peek by releasing an untitled remix. The song debuted at a Paris fashion show for her personal stylist, Nicola Formichetti and appears in a video of men strutting down a runway and tattooed beings, complete with skeletal make-up, wrapping themselves in black shawls. Strange, but could we expect anything less? The remix includes hard, house dance beats and chanting in German. You can pick out what the actual release might sound like midpoint on. Another Gaga anthem I'm sure. You can check the video out here

In other news, letters and drawings by late Beatle, John Lennon, are going to be published in a new book. Hunter Davies, a Beatles' biographer convinced Yoko Ono to sell the rights to Lennon's collection of letters to record companies, news publications and fans, as well as several personal drawings. The book does not currently have a title, but will be released in October of 2012, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Fab Four's debut single “Love Me Do.”

As a Beatles fan, I'm excited for this to be released, more so because I'm interested in seeing the types of things Lennon would draw. But then again, don't even The Beatles deserve some form of privacy? Till now, these personal letters and drawings have never been seen by the public. Should it not be kept this way? I know it's just another cash-grab, but I feel like this is an invasion of privacy Lennon probably wouldn't be extremely pleased with.

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